SQ201 Omni-ECL™ 超灵敏化学发光检测试剂盒买赠


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研选SQ201 Omni-ECL™ 超灵敏化学发光检测试剂盒







促销剩余时间77 天 09 : 46 :31

促销: 买二送一

备注: 包邮,798元/盒,买二送一



保质期 :一年

保存条件 :避光保存于2~8℃

规格 :100mL

Omni-ECL™Femto Light Chemiluminescence Kit
本产品常温运输;避光保存于 2~8,保质期12个月。

goodSQ201    100 mL
goodSQ201L  500 mL


组分 体积
ECL FemtoLight Substrate 50 mL
ECL FemtoLight Oxidant 50 mL
 可供1000 cm2转印膜使用。


goodOmni-ECL超灵敏化学发光检测试剂盒是一款非放射性的化学发光系统,可用于检测结合到膜上的蛋白所偶联的辣根过氧化物酶(HRP)的活性。本产品包括增强的鲁米诺底物及稳定的过氧化物体系,能检测低至飞克级的微量蛋白,适用于常Western Blot的化学发光。

good2. 等体积混匀 FemtoLight ECL Substrate 和 Oxidant ,配制化学发光工作液(每平方厘米的转印膜约0.1 mL的工作液);
good3. 将化学发光液均匀滴到膜上,反应1~2 min。如要检测的蛋白信号很高时,请尽量不要让化学发光工作液处于静止状态,可将加了工作液的膜置于摇床上混动1~2 min,以避免局部的反应物过度消耗,影响检测信号的线性范围;
good4. 取出膜,沥去多余的发光工作液,将膜包裹于透明的保护夹中;
good5. X光片曝光在暗室中将膜对X光片曝光。曝光时间从几秒到几分钟不等。将底片显影,如有必要,可根据显影结果调整曝光时间进行第二次曝光;
good1. CCD成像仪无需将膜置于保护夹中,可直接用于拍照。拍照按仪器使用说明进行;

FemtoLight ECL Substrate及发光工作液应避免强光照射导致灵敏度降低 
good2. Omni-ECL™发光液灵敏度很高,因此应避免由于使用的抗体浓度过高而造成背景升高现象 
good3. NaN3会抑制HRP的活性,因此二抗的保存或回收应避免使用NaN3
good4. 为了您的安全和健康,请穿实验服并戴一次性手套操作;
good5. 本产品仅限科研使用。

good1.Liu Z, Wang T, She Y, et al. N6-methyladenosine-modified circIGF2BP3 inhibits CD8+ T-cell responses to facilitate tumor immune evasion by promoting the deubiquitination of PD-L1 in non-small cell lung cancer[J]. Molecular cancer, 2021, 20(1): 1-25.(IF 27.401)
good2. Ba F, Liu Y, Liu W Q, et al. SYMBIOSIS: synthetic manipulable biobricks via orthogonal serine integrase systems[J]. Nucleic acids research, 2022, 50(5): 2973-2985.(IF 16.971)
good3. Zhang K L, Li S J, Pu X Y, et al. Targeted up-regulation of Drp1 in dorsal horn attenuates neuropathic pain hypersensitivity by increasing mitochondrial fission[J]. Redox biology, 2022, 49: 102216.  (IF 11.799)
good4. Jiang, W., Li, H., Liu, X., & Zhang, J. (2020). Precise and efficient silencing of mutant KrasG12D by CRISPR-CasRx controls pancreatic cancer progression. Theranostics, 10(25), 11507. (IF 8.579)
good5. Liu Z, Wu K, Gu S, et al. A methyltransferase‐like 14/miR‐99a‐5p/tribble 2 positive feedback circuit promotes cancer stem cell persistence and radioresistance via histone deacetylase 2‐mediated epigenetic modulation in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma[J]. Clinical and translational medicine, 2021, 11(9): e545.(IF 11.492)
good6. Zhou J, Wang L, Sun Q, et al. Hsa_circ_0001666 suppresses the progression of colorectal cancer through the miR‐576‐5p/PCDH10 axis[J]. Clinical and translational medicine, 2021, 11(11): e565.(IF 11.492)
good7. Liu Y, Wang X, Zhu Y, et al. The CTCF/LncRNA‐PACERR complex recruits E1A binding protein p300 to induce pro‐tumour macrophages in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma via directly regulating PTGS2 expression[J]. Clinical and Translational Medicine, 2022, 12(2): e654.(IF 11.492)
good8. Zhang L, Zhu Y, Wei X, et al. Nanoplateletsomes restrain metastatic tumor formation through decoy and active targeting in a preclinical mouse model[J]. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B, 2022.(IF 11.413)
good9. ZHANG, Xuancheng, et al. Adipose Stem Cell–Derived Exosomes Recover Impaired Matrix Metabolism of Torn Human Rotator Cuff Tendons by Maintaining Tissue Homeostasis. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 2021, 49.4: 899-908. (IF 11.136)
good10. LIU, Fengzhen, et al. miR-24 controls the regenerative competence of hair follicle progenitors by targeting Plk3. Cell Reports, 2021, 35.10: 109225.(IF 9.423)
good11. Huang, W., Shi, G., Yong, Z., Li, J., Qiu, J., Cao, Y., ... & Yuan, L. (2020). Downregulation of RKIP promotes radioresistance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma by activating NRF2/NQO1 axis via downregulating miR-450b-5p. Cell death & disease, 11(7), 1-16. (IF 6.304)
good12. Lv Z, Xu X, Sun Z, et al. TRPV1 alleviates osteoarthritis by inhibiting M1 macrophage polarization via Ca2+/CaMKII/Nrf2 signaling pathway[J]. Cell death & disease, 2021, 12(6): 1-14.(IF 8.469)
good13. Zheng H L, Xu W N, Zhou W S, et al. Beraprost ameliorates postmenopausal osteoporosis by regulating Nedd4-induced Runx2 ubiquitination[J]. Cell death & disease, 2021, 12(5): 1-16.(IF 8.469)
good14. Lu, S. Z., Guo, Y. S., Liang, P. Z., Zhang, S. Z., Yin, S., Yin, Y. Q., ... & Zhou, J. W. (2019). Suppression of astrocytic autophagy by αB-crystallin contributes to α-synuclein inclusion formation. Translational Neurodegeneration, 8(1), 3. (IF 8.014)
good15. Li J, Sun Z, Luo G, et al. Quercetin attenuates trauma-induced heterotopic ossification by tuning immune cell infiltration and related inflammatory insult[J]. Frontiers in immunology, 2021, 12: 1946.(IF 7.561)
good16. LI, Juehong, et al. Quercetin Attenuates Trauma-Induced Heterotopic Ossification by Tuning Immune Cell Infiltration and Related Inflammatory Insult. Frontiers in immunology, 2021, 12: 1946.(IF 7.561)
good17. Lv D, Ding S, Zhong L, et al. M6A demethylase FTO-mediated downregulation of DACT1 mRNA stability promotes Wnt signaling to facilitate osteosarcoma progression[J]. Oncogene, 2022: 1-15.(IF 7.370)
good18. Li, J., Yao, Z., Xiong, H., Cui, H., Wang, X., Zheng, W., ... & Fan, C. (2020). Extracellular vesicles from hydroxycamptothecin primed umbilical cord stem cells enhance anti-adhesion potential for treatment of tendon injury. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 11(1), 1-14. (IF 6.832)
good19. SHEN, Junjie, et al. EGFL6 regulates angiogenesis and osteogenesis in distraction osteogenesis via Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Stem Cell Research & Therapy, 2021, 12.1: 1-17.(IF 6.832)
good20. Sun, Y., Zhu, Y., Liu, X., Chai, Y., & Xu, J. (2020). Morroniside attenuates high glucose–induced BMSC dysfunction by regulating the Glo1/AGE/RAGE axis. Cell Proliferation, 53(8), e12866. (IF 6.831)








